
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) is the fire element and it is represented by “The Archer” symbol. They are very adventurous; they love to travel and truth seekers. They are always considered as the good company for the travelling. They are always ready to explore new things. They always take their own time while taking the decision and never hesitate while asking the questions. It is very common to see Sagittarius asking unexpected things.

Nature: Sagittarius natives are the discoverers. Their self-confidence sometimes makes them arrogant. They become good adviser, teacher and social bees. They never like restriction; they usually get frustrated if any person ever restricts them. They always love to be in freedom. They are very positive people and they always look at the brighter side and they never get into any kind of the bigger problem easily. But sometimes they become rude that they even reject the best advice given by people.

Traits: Sagittarius is having many positive traits, some of those are they are smart, caring, deep, honest and kind. Whenever it comes to give the advice to another they always give honest review of that. They do not care about others. On the other hand they do have some negative traits like they are impatient, careless, boastful, attention seeker, brutal.

Love: Sagittarius natives love to enjoy outdoor. They never like to stay longer indoors. They love challenges. They have interest in learning new things and subjects. They are happy in their relationship.  But when they fall in love they always feel insecure. Their some things usually make their partner affront. Still their jovial nature and love for travel attract their lovers once again.

Career: Sagittarius is extrovert and they are frank. They do like to interact with other people and have a good personal relationship. They are very good at their work place. Although sometimes they face problems to solve the minute details, but sometimes the jobs with complete details are hard for them to do.

Facts: Sagittarius are of the large hearted, frank, fearless and love for nature and travel. Sometimes they are over-confident, in-consistent, lack of focus and inconsistent.